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Leisha Cairns

Weight Loss Challenge

“When I started the Weight Loss Challenge I was tired and very overweight. I was eating all the wrong things. Health wise I was a mess. With this the weight started dropping off easily. The Weight Loss Challenge created a big learning curve helping me with re education on lifestyle and choices around food. I love the support from other people also needing to lose weight and being accountable with weekly weigh ins and the extra one on one help with my coach. In 9 weeks I lost 12.8kg. When I started I had a goal to lose 10kg for the whole challenge but achieved a total of 18 kg in 12 weeks and heaps of inches. Now losing weight is getting easier so I have a much bigger incentive to reach my goal weight. I feel so good and it feels like I am living again.” – Leisha Cairns

*These results are not typical. Individual results will vary. All references to weight management relate to the Herbalife Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake, nutritional supplementation where required and appropriate rest
Weight Loss
Health Improvements
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Item 3
Favourite Products
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