0800 14 34 38 / 021 281 3717

Maria Franklin

6 Day Trial

“During the 6 day trial I lost 4.2kg, 8cm or 2 sizes from my waist and 33cm all over. I feel so much better. My tiredness is gone.  I am exercising and being lots more active. People are noticing how much happier I am. I had some challenges on my birthday but it was so easy to get back on track. I feel very grateful to be shown an easy way to healthier living. My life is so much better after cutting the rubbish out of my diet and improving the nutrition.” – Maria Franklin

*These results are not typical. Individual results will vary. All references to weight management relate to the Herbalife Weight Management Programme which includes, amongst other things, a balanced diet, regular exercise, an adequate daily fluid intake, nutritional supplementation where required and appropriate rest